005 - Mindful Routines
I hope you are settling back into school life. After the first full week back in, my class is beginning to resemble normality. As teachers, we run our lives on systems and routines and we spend this time of year embedding them.
I wish I hadn’t worked so hard
I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.
I wish I’d kept in touch with my friends.
I wish I had let myself be happier.
These regrets are taken from a 2012 book written by an Australian palliative care nurse. She categorised the top five regrets of people reflecting on their lives.
Teaching is busy - We are all guilty of creating daily routines that make work life easier at the expense of our long term goals. If people make these mistakes by default, it is worth reminding yourself to create routines that focus on a better life balance.
As I use notion every day for work, I’ve changed the home page top remind me to be mindful of how I spend my time.
Three things
Interesting articles;
A tree in Pakistan has been under arrest for over 100 years
The Best Kitchen Gadget of the 1600s Was a Small, Short-Legged Dog
Current Audiobook - 🎧 Crime and Punishment
One productivity tip – Set up a resonance calendar (I use Evernote).
I hope there is something of value for you here. If you have anything to add, please contact me, I’d love to hear from you.
Mr T
New notion homescreen